02 July, 2011

So much to thank God for.

I am officially 12 days in. In other terms of measurement this equates to:
- 3 showers
- Easily over 36 cups of rooibos/coffee
- Approximately 16 bowls of corn flakes
- 1 book read
Time seems to be doing anything but slowing down. Not that the pace of life is stressful or fast, it's not. I am actually finding plenty of time to "slow down" each evening. Working on maintaining a consistent journal. So much happens each day, it is a daunting task to even begin jotting things down. Staying motivated in that regard is crucial. I know the purpose of it is to one day be able to look back and see God's faithfulness... I desire that one day, now it just seems arduous. Nonetheless, God is definitely making Himself known daily here. In those small things, the smiles, the expansive sky, a loving touch. (definitely feeling the love these days considering touch is my love language.)
A touch can be such a humanizing thing and an incredible human expression of God's love. So many of the children have a deep longing for this acknowledgement, in physical form, that they no doubt deserve yet likely have been depraved of in their short lives. It's a desire that is innate in us. To touch and be touched. A Godly exchange in humanity. These are moments that I cherish, these are moments that I hope God will grant me increasing sensitivity, that I might take note of Him around me.
In other news, we have gotten together for our first time with the Howick Community Church youth, to begin some relationships with them with our ultimate hope to bridge understanding between them and the township youth. Be praying for God's direction and hand in this. Within ourselves we can do nothing. Which is a relief that we can place this in His hands and just make ourselves available.
In other requests, safety here in the township is a risk that we cannot ignore. So long as we keep our wits about us and stay street-wise, we are just fine. There have been some trip ups, so we could definitely use some prayer with that regard!
Major praise to acknowledge. The Mpophomeni Family Center ministry, it's staff, social workers, child care, are amazing! God's hand is upon this ministry, and boy is it apparent. It astounds me how perfectly each staffer fits their roles, the way their skills and passions match up to exactly what is expected of them! They are seriously some of the most incredible people I know. If there is one thing that I would love to emerge from this summer with, would be the knowledge that we provided these brothers and sisters in Christ an encouragement. Time to wrap it up, much love and peace to you all. Hopefully we can keep you updated a bit better this coming week! Sala Kahle!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for the team. . . for relationships in the community. . . for safety. Keep the updates coming!


As citizens and stewards of a global community, we aspire to humbly walk alongside God's people of Mpophomeni, advocating for Christ-centered love, hope and change that will be sustained long after we leave South Africa.