16 May, 2011

Don't Count the Days... Make Each Day Count

So the time is drawing near. I have approximately two weeks until I head back to the beloved Republic of South Africa. Though most people have a bitter sweet feeling about 24 hour plane rides, for some reason, I can't stand the anticipation because I know what waits as soon as that plane door opens and leaks in the African sunlight. The people, the accents, the languages, the food, the culture, the smiles, the "place of love" are all things that seem to have me begging for another taste.

It helps a great deal that I have been to South Africa before.  In a way, I kind of know what I am getting myself into.  I remember that semester abroad so vividly. I remember the strong emotions that it stirred and the great personal hurdles that it urged me over. I remember the intense God-honoring relationships that touched my heart in ways I thought only intimate lovers could.  This country has countless reasons for my return and I am so excited to be able to share all my emotions and lessons with the people who are helping me return.

Back in January, I received a journal from one of my closest friends in Mpophomeni (the township where I will be serving this summer). On the cover of the journal it had a clock and a short inspirational phrase that has made a significant impression on my last 5 months, it read: "Don't Count the Days... Make Each Day Count."  That simple statement has been an inspiration to work diligently and prepare thoroughly.  Ecclesiastes 11:5-6 says this:  

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, The Maker of all things.  Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

God has brought rain, sunlight, and deterred the pests but still there is work to be done. His providential power is so evident in our fundraising efforts.  Our t-shirt fundraiser made over $3,000 for our team of five! It was amazing intervention like that that assures me God's hand is working for before, during and after this trip. 

Currently I still need to raise around $2,000 more dollars for this trip in only 2 weeks.  I want to extend the opportunity for you to be part of this financial harvest.  I know with certainty that God will provide in unseen and mysterious ways but this doesn't stop me from needing your assistance. Please pray fervently that God might use you as a catalyst in this ministry. I want to share with you something hopefully not to guilt you into giving but to encourage you that your giving will be rewarded.  2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says: 

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

If you feel that you might be able to bless me financially please follow these instructions to donate online:

Click: Donate (will take you to the next page)
Fill in: Add your Donor information
Donation Amount: ($ amount)
Team Member Name: (Eli Johnerson)
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Enter the $ amount from above next to South Africa- Resource

My family and friends, whatever your relation to me, I trust that God will bless you accordingly and meet you in your life circumstances.  It always amazes me how great a Therapist, a Surgeon, a Friend, and a Lover our God can be.  Be refreshed and renewed knowing that I thank God for your impact on my character and the impact you make on others around you. 

In Him,


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As citizens and stewards of a global community, we aspire to humbly walk alongside God's people of Mpophomeni, advocating for Christ-centered love, hope and change that will be sustained long after we leave South Africa.