29 May, 2011


Mikey and I have less than 48 hours until we leave American soil... I haven't started counting the seconds yet but... I'm getting there.

Preparation for this trip seemed like it was forever ago... It is one of those moments you were planning on coming but never actually having it arrive.  Its almost as if you detach the emotions from the preparation so as to avoid wearing out your longing heart out.  But then you forgot to reattach it which leaves you in a whirlwind of emotions... Stress, eagerness, mysteriousness, restlessness, excitement, joy, and possibly the most compelling--- thankfulness.

It was a week ago to the day when my friend, Joey and I decided to spend our Sunday morning imitating Moses.  We jumped on Colby trail in nearby Glendora, CA and took a brisk walk up the trail to meet with God--- mono y God... thats all we planned.  I sat their looking over San Gabriel valley pondering a few thoughts off my observations: I see a pool in almost every backyard, a celebrating family taking pictures in their front yard for their wedding,  the stream of cars imitating a migration on the 210... a flourishing society, nonetheless.

Though I don't know much about socioeconomics, I believe I could argue that Southern California is one of the most well-to-do locations in the entire country.  And on top of that APU (my home away from home) is certainly a pretty accurate representation of our affluence in this country.

I don't know why but spending time on a mountain really gives you perspective... in more ways than the physical.  It picks you out of the rush and race of everyday life and sets you above it all as God whispers wisdom all the while.  

In a simple moment God connected a few pieces of the puzzle for me.  Coming back from South Africa last year I learned a huge lesson of gratitude.  I realized how much we really do have despite not having the iPad... (yet).  I fully embrace moments like that where you know you understand the kingdom on earth just a bit clearer.  Becoming thankful is a spiritual practice unlike any other I have experienced.

For this last week... I tried to spend the entire day remembering to thank God for the people, the blessings, the opportunities, the grace... ALL of it! Not even out loud... just through my internal dialog with God... Wow... I was so overwhelmed with how much I was having to thank God I started struggling after the first day.

Admittingly, I didn't do as well as I had hoped... but the practice of thanksgiving was so humbling and refreshing.  I never would have thought their was so much appreciation I could feel from buying a sack of groceries for $12.... Or how my friends willingly allow me to use their apartment to stay in... or how my friends would save me the gas by driving up to see me... or how amazing my parents can be for blessing me with a camera to take to South Africa... or all of my financial supporters for this trip to SOUTH AFRICA!!!! I never would have guessed the way God's love would shine so brightly through so many people and in so many situations... it is overwhelming (in a good way) when you can begin to give God all the credit you can possibly dream of.

it's simply amazing...

And the best part of it all... Go to war with your material and fleshly desires... Contradict your empty feelings... Deny your sense of unworthiness... Feel FULL again; Because the true reality underneath all of our short comings is that when you recognize the love of God within all of your gains...a life with God becomes a fountain of love and gratitude overflowing. Practicing thanksgiving might be one of the most efficient weapons against the impossible cultural and personal standards that tear you down. 

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise: give thanks to Him and praise His name" ~ Psalms 100:4

Thanks for following and praying for our team!  After our 9 hour pause and jog in Paris... Mikey and I will be in South Africa on June 2! Pray for our safe travels and protection.

Sala Kahle (Stay well)

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As citizens and stewards of a global community, we aspire to humbly walk alongside God's people of Mpophomeni, advocating for Christ-centered love, hope and change that will be sustained long after we leave South Africa.